Wednesday, November 18, 2009

2012 The Movie

So, I went to see the movie and was not impressed. The concept is OK but I found myself thinking that I would take a different approach...

I would have started with Mayan priests gathering to discuss the end of the world, how they came to realize that 12.21.12 was, in fact, the end. Then, they would discuss the possible catastrophes that could put an end to the world as-we-know-it...

While they did point out the cosmic alignment that is scheduled for 2012, they chose to focus on the growing solar activity. I think that KNOWING, the other end-of-days movie was probably more accurate on the effects of the massive solar flares upon the Earth.

The waterworld transformation is also one that is hard to digest. I would think that all the volcanic activity is more likely to trigger an ice age (small or large) instead half of the world land masses falling into the ocean(s).

Entertaining? Maybe worth the matinee ticket price.