Wednesday, November 18, 2009

2012 The Movie

So, I went to see the movie and was not impressed. The concept is OK but I found myself thinking that I would take a different approach...

I would have started with Mayan priests gathering to discuss the end of the world, how they came to realize that 12.21.12 was, in fact, the end. Then, they would discuss the possible catastrophes that could put an end to the world as-we-know-it...

While they did point out the cosmic alignment that is scheduled for 2012, they chose to focus on the growing solar activity. I think that KNOWING, the other end-of-days movie was probably more accurate on the effects of the massive solar flares upon the Earth.

The waterworld transformation is also one that is hard to digest. I would think that all the volcanic activity is more likely to trigger an ice age (small or large) instead half of the world land masses falling into the ocean(s).

Entertaining? Maybe worth the matinee ticket price.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Just in case

Leading up to December 21, 2012, many will come up with their own interpretation of the prophecies that exist. Some, will provide visual evidence of their beliefs.

November, 2009 will bring to the movie screens across the world an apocalyptic view of the 2012 prophesy. From the director of "The Day After Tomorrow", 2012 will portray some of the possible disasters that await...

This is one of the posters of the upcoming movie:

Monday, July 27, 2009

This is the End

"So long suckers.

Posted July 25, 2009

So long suckers.

The con may have another day in it but Charlie has no more days in him. All the Mayan talk has inspired me to gas up the winnie and continue on south to check out the ruins. Speaking of suckers, congrats to all the IHC Ambassadors.

Chichen Itza here I come. "

Interesting website. You can check it out here:

This is the End

"So long suckers.

Posted July 25, 2009

So long suckers.

The con may have another day in it but Charlie has no more days in him. All the Mayan talk has inspired me to gas up the winnie and continue on south to check out the ruins. Speaking of suckers, congrats to all the IHC Ambassadors.

Chichen Itza here I come. "

Interesting website. You can check it out here:

This is the End

"So long suckers.

Posted July 25, 2009

So long suckers.

The con may have another day in it but Charlie has no more days in him. All the Mayan talk has inspired me to gas up the winnie and continue on south to check out the ruins. Speaking of suckers, congrats to all the IHC Ambassadors.

Chichen Itza here I come. "

Interesting website. You can check it out here:

This is the End

"So long suckers.

Posted July 25, 2009

So long suckers.

The con may have another day in it but Charlie has no more days in him. All the Mayan talk has inspired me to gas up the winnie and continue on south to check out the ruins. Speaking of suckers, congrats to all the IHC Ambassadors.

Chichen Itza here I come. "

Interesting website. You can check it out here:

This is the End

"So long suckers.

Posted July 25, 2009

So long suckers.

The con may have another day in it but Charlie has no more days in him. All the Mayan talk has inspired me to gas up the winnie and continue on south to check out the ruins. Speaking of suckers, congrats to all the IHC Ambassadors.

Chichen Itza here I come. "

Interesting website. You can check it out here:

This is the End

"So long suckers.

Posted July 25, 2009

So long suckers.

The con may have another day in it but Charlie has no more days in him. All the Mayan talk has inspired me to gas up the winnie and continue on south to check out the ruins. Speaking of suckers, congrats to all the IHC Ambassadors.

Chichen Itza here I come. "

Interesting website. You can check it out here:

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Easily could have been named "2012" Knowing is close to what could happen on 12.21.12.

"Knowing" (PG-13, 110 minutes): After a 50-year-old time capsule is opened at an elementary school, John Koestler (Nicolas Cage) comes across a list of numbers that somehow seems to have predicted — down to the precise date and location — every major disaster of the last half-century, plus a few that haven't happened yet. His problems — alcohol abuse, the recent death of his wife — make him sound unhinged when he tries to warn people of the coming apocalypse.

Yes, the film is creepy, but the narrative corner into which this movie, directed by Alex Proyas ("I, Robot"), paints itself is a simultaneously silly and morbidly depressing one. "Knowing" contains disturbing scenes of carnage and brief vulgar language.

More about the movie at :

Available now on DVD and Blu-ray

Monday, April 27, 2009

Pick Your Poison

For just a second, let's say that 12.21.2012 is the end.

What happens? What is the THING that makes us obsolete? If you have your own favorite way to end the human race, by all means, comment on it...

These are some of the ways that we could go:
1. Asteroid Hits the Earth
2. Solar Flare Activity Microwaves the Earth
3. Nuclear War
4. Pole Shift
5. Viral Pandemic
6. Super Volcano
7. Galactic Alignment

Thursday, April 23, 2009

About 12.21.2012

We've gone through this before. Y2K was supposed to bring all kinds of 'hell' to our society through technology crisis. Yet, Y2K came and went with relative calm...

You've heard of it... December 21, 2012 is the 'expiration date' of the Mayan Calendar.There is no new calendar, there is no new year. It is the end, period. But what does it mean? Will the earth be no more? Will the human race go the way of the dinosaur?

Obviously, there are at least two possibilities:

1. December 21, 20012 is the end of the world. Life on Earth will cease to exist (at least for us humans) and the Universe will carry on, evolving as it has for the last 12-plus billion years.

2. The prophesied date is merely a renewal, or rebirth of the world as we know it...Life goes on in some form (with or without us) - merely an evolutionary step in the life of our beautiful planet.

What do you believe?
Do you have site / source information to support your belief?
How will you act after July of 2012?

I invite you to participate and help the rest of us make up our mind about this end-date.